
Monday, March 29, 2010

Citrus Tian with Kumquat Cranberry Marmalade - Update

The 2010 March Daring Baker’s challenge was hosted by Jennifer of Chocolate Shavings. She chose Orange Tian as the challenge for this month, a dessert based on a recipe from Alain Ducasse’s Cooking School in Paris.

I got a little excited and decided to make a few changes because while I really like orange, I LOVE citrus. I found kumquats while I was at Trader Joe's and decided that I needed to make the marmalade for the recipe from that and then I decided that the whole thing would benefit from the rosy color of cranberries since I still had some in the freezer. As my cousin says Oh, My, Damn! It turned out much better than I expected and using ruby red grapefruit for the orange segment part of the recipe just made the whole thing far more beautiful.

I had to add an update to this because I had my fiance ask after reading this post as to why I had no picture posted of the actual finished product. I had to explain to him that it was because I'd gotten so excited after putting them together and tasting the individual components that I ate the darn thing before I remembered to take pictures of it. My Bad!


  1. Hey, are you going to post the kumquat marmalade with instructions and such? There is a kumquat tree down the street from me (no longer fruiting right now but a couple of months ago was full of them). I would love to know this recipe, as I always grab some of them while walking, so this would be nice to know!

  2. What an interesting sounding marmalade - delicious!
