
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day Zero and Day One of my Whole 30

My Whole30 Day 0 is completed and Day 1 is nearly done. I've got my menu planned. All my grocery shopping done. My beef stock/bone broth is on the stove and I'm prepping chicken to make chicken stock. It will taste twice as good and I think it'll be less expensive that way than purchasing it from the grocery store, but I could be wrong. Who knows? I have to say it was the easiest shopping trip I think I've ever done I was in and out in probably less than 30 minutes and my basket was more full of vegetables than it has in a long time. Also there was no extra crap in the basket basically just eggs meat veggies and some fruit. Oh, and my Plugra butter to make ghee.

We had a carb fest at Olive Garden last night and I've been paying for it all day long. I slept till nearly 11 am which I haven't done in years unless I'm ill and I have been so bloated today that eating has been difficult. 
Our cook up hasn't gone as well as I'd liked, but it's all good for now, I'll finished it up tomorrow. I do have cooked chicken and a ground beef/veggie hash that is delicious in the fridge. We had that for very late lunch over baby spinach with sliced avocado on the side. Tomorrow I'll finish up what I couldn't get to today.
A good portion of the menu this week is coming from Melissa's Week 1 meal plan over at The Clothes make the Girl with a few other recipes from the blogosphere. There's no way we're gonna be bored or go hungry. Well at least I won't. Honey needs to make sure he packs his meals since he's on the road about 12 hours a day and he's got lots of options.
Here's what the Dinner Menu for the week is stacking up to look like;

Those are just for starters, I have ground beef made, veggies roasted and prepped for hot plates and other meals. Well see how it goes. 

Today, I  start the adventure of finding out what I'm allergic to if anything. I've taken some pictures of what's going on in my hand so at the end of 30 days before I start reintroducing things we can see if there's been any change. Plus, of course I'm hoping to lose some weight, I have some horrible before picture of that hot mess as well.  My fingers are crossed, it's been a really easy Day 1, now onward to Day 2

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